Church Beliefs


“We”, in this Constitution, will henceforth refer to the entire membership of Tipp City Baptist Church.

We are a called out assembly of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, gathering together to encourage and exhort one another to hear, learn, keep, and do all the statues and judgments found in the Scriptures. Deuteronomy. 5:1


We are committed to following the leadership of the Word of God, as it is the only authority for right belief and practice.

We are committed to following the leadership of the Church Constitution as it orders the operation of the Church. I Corinthians 14:40

We are committed “to keep the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3

We are committed to carrying out the great commission, by evangelizing, baptizing new believers, and teaching people all that Jesus has commanded. Matthew 28:18-20

We are committed to beginning that at our “Jerusalem” which is Tipp City, Ohio and Monroe Township. We recognize that our efforts start here and should continue outward “unto the uttermost part of the earth". Acts1:8

We are committed to holy living until we go to be with the Lord. Leviticus 11:45, I Peter 1:16

We are committed to assembling together. Hebrews 10:24-25

We are committed to looking to the any moment return of Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13, I Thessalonians 5:2

Statement of Faith

The Bible

Origin - We recognize that the Bible came as “holy men of God spake as the were moved by the Holy Ghost.” I Peter 1:21 These original written copies of the Scripture are known as the Autograha.

Composition - We recognize the Bible is composed of sixty-six books from Genesis to Revelation.

Completion - We recognize that no new revelation (written or unwritten) will be given by the LORD after the completion of the Holy Scriptures. Revelation 22:18-19

Preservation - We recognize that the Bible is perfectly preserved both in Heaven (Psalm 119:89) and on Earth. (Psalm 12:6-7, Matthew 5:18) We recognize that only one Hebrew and one Greek text purports to be the perfectly preserved Word of God, namely, the Hebrew Masoretic text and the Greek Textus Receptus. Therefore, we recognize that the Masoretic Text and the Textus Receptus are the perfectly preserved Word of God.

Translation - We recognize that the translation of the Scriptures into other languages is the will of the LORD.

We recognize that translations must be made from the perfectly preserved texts.

We recognize that the King James Version is the only version translated into the English language from the perfectly preserved texts.

We recognize that the King James Version is the only English translation that we will use to teach God’s Word from.

Nature - We recognize the Bible to be the infallible and inspired Word of God. II Timothy 3:16

Efficacy - We recognize that the Bible can show people their need for salvation and is the guide to the Christians life. Hebrews 4:12; Proverbs 6:23


We recognize that there is only one God. Deuteronomy 6:4

We recognize that there are three persons who are God.

We recognize that the Father is God. Romans 1:7

We recognize that the Son is God. Acts 20:28; Hebrews 1:8

We recognize that the Holy Spirit is God. Acts 5:3-4

We recognize that the Son, Father, and Holy Spirit are different people while being one God. John 8:16; Acts 10:38; John 14:26

We recognize God as Creator of everything in six literal, 24-hour, days. Genesis 1:1

We recognize that God is omniscient and omnipresent. Psalm 139

We recognize that God is immutable. Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 102:27

Jesus Christ

We recognize that Jesus Christ is eternal along with the Father. Colossians 1:17; Revelation 1:8

We recognize that He was born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:30-35

We recognize that He lived a sinless life. II Corinthians 5:21

We recognize that He gave up His life for our salvation. Romans 5:8

We recognize that He was buried and rose again. I Corinthians 15:3-4

We recognize that He ascended to heaven after being seen for forty days. Acts 1:3-9

We recognize that He is returning in the air to take His church to heaven, hereafter referred to as “the Rapture”. I Thessalonians 4:15-17

We recognize that He will come again after the Great Tribulation to judge those that are on the earth and set up His millennial kingdom. Revelation 19:11-20:4

Holy Spirit

We recognize that He was sent to be a permanent presence during the first Pentecost after Jesus’ ascension. John 16:7; Acts 2:4

We recognize that the Holy Spirit reproves “the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” John 16:8

We recognize that, after Pentecost and until the Rapture, the Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the body of Christ and indwells the believer at the moment of salvation. Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 12:13

We recognize that the Holy Spirit guides the Christian in the way he should go by bringing to remembrance what Jesus said. John 14:26

We recognize that people can resist and Christians can grieve and even quench the Holy Spirit. Acts 7:51; I Thessalonians 5:19

We recognize that the Holy Spirit gives the words to speak during persecution. Matthew 10:18-20

We recognizes the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to every Christian to profit all. Romans 12:3-8; I Corinthians. 12:7-11

We recognize that the Holy Spirit bears fruit in the lives Christians who do not resist or quench His working. Galatians 5:22-23


We recognize sin is a violation of God’s law. I John 3:4

We recognize Adam and Eve were the first people and the first to sin by violating God’s commandment. Genesis 3

We recognize that a person is responsible for their sin when they understand it as such, an area of developmental growth that only God knows. II Samuel 12:23

We recognize that everyone with the ability to understand has sinned. Romans 3:23

We recognize that sin causes death. James 1:15

We recognize that all will die because all have sinned. Romans 3:10, 3:23

We recognize that the blood of Jesus is the only way to be cleansed from sin. Hebrews 9:22; Revelation 1:5

Salvation from Sin

We recognize that that human efforts cannot bring salvation, but that it is a “gift of God”. Ephesians 2:8-9

We recognize salvation comes only in Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12; John 14:6

We recognize that God wants everyone to come to Him for salvation. John 6:37; I Tim. 2:4; II Peter 3:9; Ezekiel 18:32

We recognize that no saved person can ever lose their salvation, but were are kept by His power (John 10:27-29; Philippians 1:6, I Peter 1:3-5), His love (Romans 8:31-39), and because the Christian becomes part of His family (John 1:12).

The Church

We recognize that the church is the body of Christ. Ephesians 1:23

We recognize that Jesus Christ is the founder of the church. Matthew 16:18; I Corinthians 3:11

We recognize that He, and He alone, is the head of the church. Ephesians 5:23

We recognize that the church is also a local assembly. I Corinthians 12:27; I Corinthians 1:2; I Thessalonians 1:1; II Thessalonians 1:1

We recognize that the local church should assemble, and the assembling should be participatory by the membership. Hebrews 10:24-25; I Corinthians 14:29-32

We recognize that each local church should be independent from government control and other churches or organizations.

We recognize that it is the responsibility of each local church to protect the truth. I Timothy 3:15

We recognize that disputes between church members where a crime is not involved should be handled between them first, then a Christian arbiter, and finally the church as a whole. Matthew 18:15-20; I Corinthians 6:1-7

We recognize that the Lord gives pastors and deacons to serve in and be a part of each church. Titus 1:5; Philippians 1:1; I Timothy 3:1; 3:13

We recognize that people we call “pastors” were often referred to as bishops, elders, and pastors. I Timothy 3:1; I Peter 5:2; Ephesians 4:11

We recognize that some churches recorded in Scripture had more than one pastor. Philippians 1:1; Acts 20:17; Titus 1:5

We recognize that pastors must have a desire to serve and a Christian testimony consistent with Scripture, including but not limited to I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.

We recognize that deacons are gifts to serve the church. Acts 6:1-6

We recognize that deacons must have a desire to serve and a Christian testimony consistent with Scripture, including but not limited to I Timothy 3:8-13.

Spiritual Realm

We recognize that angels were created by the LORD as fully good beings. Colossians 1:16; Genesis 1:31-2:2; Psalm 148:2-5

We recognize that Satan led a rebellion of one-third of the angels, in his decision to “be like the most high.” Isaiah 14:12; Revelation 12:4

We recognize that these unseen beings who fell from heaven are called devils (or demons in the original Greek). James 2:19

We recognize that these demons cannot possess a Christian. I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 6:15

We recognize that the LORD will sentence those devils or rebellious angles to the lake of fire. Matthew 25:41

Future Events


We recognize that the next future event is the Rapture of the church. All Christians alive at that time will be caught up in the air with the Lord and the saved since Jesus’ resurrection will be reunited with their bodies. Revelation 4:1; I Thessalonians 4:13-17; I Corinthians 15:51-58

We recognize that it cannot be predicted or pointed to in any way because there are no signs of the Rapture. I Thessalonians 5:2; II Peter 3:10


We recognize that shortly after the Rapture there will be a seven year Tribulation period where God will judge the world. Daniel 9:7

We recognize that all who trust Jesus as their Savior during this time will gain eternal salvation from Him. John 6:37; Revelation 7:9-14

We recognize that the anti-Christ will bring a great delusion, so as to deceive many from receiving Jesus as Savior. II Thessalonians 2:8-12; Matthew 24:24

We recognize that through the man made disasters and LORD’s judgments most of the population of the earth will perish in Tribulation. Matthew 24:22; Revelation 6:8, 9:15

Second Coming

We recognize that Jesus will return to judge the people remaining after the seven year tribulation completed, and win the battle of Armageddon. Revelation 19:11-21

We recognize that Jesus will judge each person that is left. Those that are His sheep will enter the millennial kingdom. Matthew 25:31-46

Millennial Reign

Saints from before the resurrection of Jesus and during the Tribulation will be resurrected. Revelation 20:4; Ezekiel 37:12-14; Daniel 12:1-2

We recognize that Jesus will reign 1,000 years, with those who have died trusting him up to that point. Revelation 20:4, 6

Eternal State

We recognize that all people that have ever lived and will ever live, will then spend eternity in the Lake of Fire or the New Jerusalem, based on what they have done with Jesus Christ. Revelation 20:12

Civil Government


We recognize that the US Constitution is the highest governing authority for the United States of America. We recognize that we are to support it and all laws made underneath it, as long as they do not violate the Word of God. Romans 6:1, Acts 5:29


We recognize that the Ohio Constitution is the highest governing authority for the State of Ohio. We recognize that we are to support it all laws made underneath it, as long as they do not abridge the freedoms found in the US Constitution, nor violate the Word of God Romans 6:1, Acts 5:29


We recognize Miami County and Tipp City as governing entities. We recognize that we are to follow all laws made by the lawfully elected leaders of these, as long as they do not abridge the freedoms found in the US Constitution, violate the Ohio Constitution, nor violate the Word of God. Romans 6:1, Acts 5:29

Marriage & Single Status

We recognize that God’s design is for a man to leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife for their earthly lives. Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:7-8, Ephesians 5:31, Romans 7:2-3. I Corinthians 7:2

We recognize that homosexual behavior and transgender movements are sin. Our pastors will not marry same-sex couples or transgendered couples. Romans 1:26-27

We recognize that during the single stage of life, it is not good to purposely touch the other gender in an intimate way. I Corinthians 7:1

We recognize that physical intimacy in a marriage is holy, but all physical intimacy outside of it is sin. Hebrews 13:4, I Thessalonians 4:3

We recognize that viewing, reading, or listening to sexually oriented material is sinful behavior. Psalms 101:3

We recognize that persons’ should only remarry after the spouses of both the prospective husband and wife have died, and if both persons are Christians. Romans 7:1-3, I Corinthians 7:10-11, 39

Sex and Gender

We recognize that, as Creator, the LORD makes no mistakes. He makes no distinction between the gender/sex He gives to a person at conception. Any attempt to change His creation in this way is a violation of His purpose in that person’s creation. Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6

We recognize that boys, girls, men, and women are all of equal importance and infinite value. Romans 2:11, Matthew 16:26

We recognize that there are differences in roles based in creation. Such as men cannot bear children and women are not to be pastors or speak authoritatively to the whole church body. I Timothy 3:2, I Corinthians 14:34


We recognize that human life begins at conception and the LORD has a plan for that child. Any human attempts to end the life in the mother are just as wrong as trying to end the life of a child outside of a mother. Jeremiah 1:5

Suicide & Euthanasia

We recognize that the LORD creates life and He decides, when it is to end. Any human attempts to end life are just as wrong as murder. Exodus 20:13, Job 1:21

Personal Holiness

We recognize that the Christian life is made up of many specific details that explain God’s design for life. Proverbs 6:23, Proverbs 4:13

We recognize that the study of all of these details would only be possible by studying every word in the Bible. II Timothy 3:16

We recognize that any “list” given here would leave out an inestimable amount of truth. Therefore those teaching and preaching in Tipp City Baptist Church will focus on a systematic study of the entire Bible. Acts 20:27, II Timothy 3:15


We recognize that consuming alcohol is a sinful activity. Proverbs 23:31-33

Church constitution

Article I - Composition

Tipp City Baptist Church is the complete membership of the local church focused on in this Constitution. This Constitution is the representation of the leadership of the members of this church, in its orderly operation.

Article II - Members

Becoming a Member

To become a member of Tipp City Baptist Church a person must...

  1. Desire to become a member of the Church.

  2. Speak to pastors and deacons in the church where they give a testimony of their salvation in Jesus Christ.

  3. Be baptized by a Biblical church, in the Scriptural manner.

  4. Be in agreement with the statement of faith of Tipp City Baptist Church

  5. Pledge to follow the leadership of God’s Word in life and the constitution of Tipp City Baptist Church while engaged in church gatherings and activities.

Members Rights

  1. Attend all church meetings.

  2. Cast a ballot in church votes.

  3. Review minutes of meetings, covenant, statement of faith, by-laws, constitution, and prepared financial statements.

Ending Membership

Membership of Tipp City Baptist Church will end in one of the following ways:

  1. A person that desires to end their membership.

  2. A person that does not attend any gatherings for 180 days, without giving a reason deemed valid by the pastors and deacons (health difficulties or work responsibilities are two possible valid reasons)

  3. A person going to be with the Lord by way of physical death.

  4. Church membership can be revoked through the process of “Church Discipline” (Art. V) in this Constitution.


  • A member must be present in order to cast a vote.

  • A member must be 18 or older to cast a vote.

  • All votes will be cast by secret ballot.

  • Topics requiring a vote be held must be mentioned in each service for two weeks prior to the date that the vote is held.

Article III - Human Leadership

The Lord Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, is the highest authority of Tipp City Baptist Church.

The Constitution of Tipp City Baptist Church is the second highest authority of Tipp City Baptist Church. It is to be followed in all church activities and meetings by all members.

Under these, human leadership is provided for in God’s Word to provide direction and order to gatherings and decision making. Human leadership will operate under the direction of the Bible and this constitution.

The following positions of human leadership have specific areas of responsibility and methods of selection.


Senior Pastor I Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9

He shall:

  1. Be an example of spiritual maturity.

  2. Look over the spiritual condition of each member individually.

  3. Organize all meetings of the church and preside in these gatherings, but not “lord over God’s heritage” I Peter 5:3

  4. Organize and hold a monthly meeting with all pastors and deacons in the church to discuss the church.

  5. Give a yearly “state of the church” address to the church in January.

  6. Direct the duties of all volunteers and any paid employees of the church according to the job description agreed upon by the pastors and deacons.

Associate Pastors I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9

He shall:

  1. Be an example of spiritual maturity.

  2. Look over the spiritual condition of members individually, to which his care is directed.

  3. Participate in meetings of the church in spirit of unity.

  4. Participate in monthly meeting with all pastors and deacons in the church to discuss the church.

  5. Give a statement during the “state of the church” address pertaining to their area of pastoral care.

Deacons Acts 6:1-6, I Timothy 3:8-13

He shall:

  1. Be an example of spiritual maturity.

  2. Serve the members of the church, especially widows.

  3. Meet with all pastors and deacons monthly to discuss the church.

Financial Secretary

    1. Keeps records of all church business meetings.

    2. Keeps confidential tallies of individuals giving records.

    3. Publishes a written record to the church of any financial meeting within two weeks.


    1. Keeps records of all church expenses and income

    2. Generates a monthly report of church income and budgeted expenses and give it to each church member at the monthly financial meeting.

    3. Give a financial report during the yearly “state of the church” address to the church in January.


  1. Act as a liaison between the church and government agencies.

  2. Sell and purchase for the church with approval from the church body through the budget process and/or formal vote.

Method of Selection

At the beginning of the church there is a founding pastor who will be the first Senior Pastor, after that:

Senior Pastor

  • If there is a vacancy of senior pastor, the deacons will create a pastoral search committee to select a candidate to become senior pastor.

  • The committee will visit the candidate’s place of ministry and ask specific doctrinal and ministry questions. These answers must be consistent with God’s Word and this Constitution. They will not consider any of their family members for this position.

  • After selecting a candidate unanimously, then that person will be presented to Tipp City Baptist Church for a vote. A 3/4 vote in the affirmative will be needed to extend a call of the church to that senior pastor candidate.

  • If the vote does not reach a 3/4 threshold, then the deacons will select another senior pastor candidate for the church membership to vote on. There will always be only one candidate at a time.

Associate Pastors

    • With the addition of new members, other pastors will become necessary. When the pastors and deacons are in unanimous agreement that another pastor is necessary, then they will form a pastoral search committee to add an associate pastor.

    • After selecting a candidate unanimously, then that person will be presented to Tipp City Baptist Church for a vote. A 3/4 vote in the affirmative will be needed to extend a call of the church to that associate pastor candidate.


  • On the first Sunday of December the Senior Pastor will explain to the church members what the qualifications of deacons are. The church will then submit names of deacon candidates to the pastors and deacons by private list. The pastors and deacons will then examine the list and narrow it to all men that are Biblically qualified to serve. Those men will then be asked to serve. If they accept, then they will be deacons for a 1 year term beginning on January 1st.

Financial Secretary

  • The pastors and deacons will discuss a financial secretary candidate from the membership of Tipp City Baptist Church. After selecting a candidate unanimously, that person will be asked to serve. If they accept, then they will be presented to the church for a vote

  • The vote will be taken on the first Sunday of December. A 2/3 or greater vote in the affirmative will be needed. In case of the church voting in the negative, the pastors and deacons will unanimously select a new willing candidate to submit for a vote as soon as possible. The financial secretary will serve for a one year term beginning on January 1st.


  • The pastors and deacons will discuss a treasurer candidate from the membership of Tipp City Baptist Church. After selecting a candidate unanimously, that person will be asked to serve. If they accept, then they will be presented to the church for a vote

  • The vote will be taken on the first Sunday of December. A 2/3 or greater vote in the affirmative will be needed. In case of the church voting in the negative, the pastors and deacons will unanimously select a new willing candidate to submit for a vote as soon as possible. The treasurer will serve for a one year term from on January 1st.


  • The pastors and deacons will discuss trustee candidates from the membership of Tipp City Baptist Church. After selecting three candidates unanimously, those persons will be asked to serve. Each that accepts, will then be presented to the church for a vote

  • The vote will be taken on the first Sunday of December. A 2/3 or greater vote in the affirmative will be needed. In case of the church voting in the negative, the pastors and deacons will unanimously select a new candidates to submit for a vote as soon as possible. The trustees will serve for a one year term beginning on January 1st.

Other Servants

As the church grows there could be a need to hire employees of the church. The process for selection will be as below, but no relative of a pastor or deacon will be selected to be an employee candidate.

  • The pastors and deacons will meet to choose an employee candidate and to create the job description.

  • After selecting a candidate unanimously, then that person will be presented to Tipp City Baptist Church for a vote. A 2/3 vote in the affirmative will be needed to extend a call of the church to that employee candidate.

Article IV - Budgeting and Finances

Financial Meetings

  • There will be a monthly financial meeting on the first Sunday of each month. These meetings will be for the members of Tipp City Baptist Church.

  • There will be a special yearly budgeting meeting on the first Sunday of December.


    • Creation Process: In September, the pastors and deacons will begin creating a proposed budget. They will seek input from church members that lead ministries. That budget will be voted on during the yearly budgeting meeting.
      Pastors we be excused for any discussion of their salaries and/or benefits.

    • Binding Nature: The budget of Tipp City Baptist Church will be limiting in nature. Church expenditures must be equal or less than the budgeted yearly amount in each designated area plus any designated giving to that budget area.

    • Voting for Additional Expenditures: When a need arises outside of the budget, after discussion with the deacons, the pastors will prepare the additional spending to the church for a vote. A 2/3 vote or greater of the church in the affirmative will be necessary for approval of the additional expenditure.


  • People may give to Tipp City Baptist Church through the offering time during the services. Their giving may be marked as “general” or any designated budgeted area.

Designated Giving

  • People that give to Tipp City Baptist Church, may designate to one of the budgeted areas. If a person gives a designated offering to an area that is not a budgeted area, then the financial secretary will ask them if they would like to give that amount to the general welfare or a budgeted area.

Counting and Banking

  • There will always be two or more people, unanimously approved by the pastors and deacons, with all offerings. These people will count the offerings after each gathering and take them to the financial institution for deposit.

  • Savings: The church may save money in an investment, a 2/3 vote of the church will be required to save money in this way.


  • The spending of Tipp City Baptist church will always be for the general welfare of the entire church body and fulfilling of the great commission. General welfare is opposed to specific welfare. General welfare spending is strictly limited to things that fall under the subsequent list. General welfare spending may include:

  1. Christian educational materials for church members.

  2. Outreach efforts and materials for the lost and people in unscriptural churches.

  3. Building costs for a meeting location.

  4. Liability Insurance costs.

  5. Paid pastors and other employees serving the church body.

  6. Costs to support widows indeed (I Tim. 5:3-10).

  7. Office supplies.

  8. Fellowship costs.

  • This general welfare is further explained by the budget areas passed by the entire body, but must fall under one of these listed areas.

Persons Authorized to Spend

  • Volunteer positions and paid employees will be given a job description that is agreed upon by the pastors and deacons. When their job description allows, these persons may purchase, within the budgetary area and limits.

Methods of Spending

  • Members authorized to spend in a budgeted area can:

      1. Receive a reimbursement from the trustees after the expenditure.

      2. Request a check from the Trustees for the expenditure.

Article V - Church Discipline

The following is a procedure based on the truths found in Matthew 18:15-18, Galatians 6:1, and I Corinthians 5:1-13:

  • When a member is engaged in a sin listed in the passages above and brings reproach upon the name of Jesus Christ, then a trusted Christian friend should go to them and encourage and exhort them to restore their relationship to the LORD.

  • If they do not listen to that Christian friend, then that friend should bring one or two other Christian friends to speak to the member engaged in a public sin.

  • If the member engaged in a sin listed above does not restore his relationship to the LORD, then those two or three friends should schedule a meeting with all of the pastors and deacons to discuss the matter. The person accused will be invited to attend.

  • If the person involved in a sin listed above will not restore their relationship to the LORD, then that meeting will determine how and when to bring the matter to the church.

  • A 2/3 vote or greater of the church will be needed to remove the membership and fellowship of the accused person.

Article VI - Meetings

  • The members of Tipp City Baptist Church should strive to glorify the LORD, as revealed in His Word, in all meetings.

  • The members of Tipp City Baptist Church will avoid glorifying sin and sinful behaviors in all meetings.

  • All members of Tipp City Baptist Church should strive to be in unity with the other members of the church both during meetings and outside of organized gathering times.

  • All church meetings will contain opportunities for involvement from pastors and church members.

  • All church meetings will be organized and presided by the Senior Pastor, except meetings dealing with his compensation.

  • All meetings will be either “general” or “business” meetings.

  • Business meetings are scheduled for the 1st Sunday of March, June, September, and December. The senior pastor can propose to enter a business meeting at another time, but all church members must be given at least two weeks notice before a vote is held.

  • The business meeting will include information given to the church about that quarter’s giving and spending. Giving and Spending will be explained by budgeted areas. The Treasurer will complete a

  • The senior pastor will make a motion to enter a business meeting and two members will need to agree to the motion.

  • He will make a motion to leave a business meeting, and one member will be needed to agree to the motion.

Article VI - Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution can be proposed one of two methods:

  1. If a proposed amendment gains signature support of 60% or more of the church membership, then the amendment will be presented to the church. A 3/4 vote or greater in the affirmative is needed to pass the proposed amendment.

  2. The pastors and deacons, in unanimous agreement, can propose an amendment to be presented to the church. A 3/4 vote or greater in the affirmative is needed to pass the proposed amendment.

Any amendment passed will be considered equally valid and important as any other part of this Constitution.

By Laws

Tipp City Baptist church is organized for charitable, religious, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Revenue Law), for such purposes including but not limited to, the proclaiming of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; the establishing and maintaining of religious worship; the educating of believers in a manner consistent with the requirements of Holy Scripture; and maintaining of missionary activities in the United States and to all foreign countries.

No part of the net earnings of the church shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the church shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the tax-exempt purposes of the church.

No substantial part of the activities of the church shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The church shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.

Upon the dissolution of the corporation, after paying or making provision for payment of all its liabilities, the corporation shall dispose of all of its remaining assets to such organization or organizations formed and operated exclusively for religious purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).